I was just reading the blog of a competitor on the importance of content, especially to technology vendors. I think it very apt. He says that technology companies have basically two major assets that customers highly value: your focus (technology expertise) and your experience (in applying that expertise across a great many companies). Your job as a marketer is to enable your clients to exploit both.
The way an astute company does that is through your content in your white papers, press releases, case studies, in your blogs, web pages, and videos. Your content shows off your expertise, establishes your credibility in your industry, and demonstrates your passion for what you do. It may be the first way a customer meets you -- where that first impression really counts. It may provide the grounds for a follow up.
We have already discussed the importance of online versus off in getting triple duty from your content, but I want to stress the unbelievable value of treating your content as treasure (instead of just stuff you have to do) and of building a library of high quality content that shows off your company's expertise and experience. In today's world where content is apt to live longer and certainly have a longer shelf life, the quality of your content, indeed your writing, counts.
If you want to establish your company's credibility, its leadership and strength -- especially when you can't be there to do it in person, the quality of your content is critical. Find a partner who can help you to write and to promote it. It will be an investment well spent.